Dear Miley,
I wasn’t going to write this letter, but today i’ve been dodging phone calls from various newspapers who wished me to remark upon your having said in Rolling Stone your Wrecking Ball video was designed to be similar to the one for Nothing Compares… So this is what I need to say… And it is said in the spirit of motherliness and with love.
I am extremely concerned for you that those around you have led you to believe, or encouraged you in your own belief, that it is in any way ‘cool’ to be naked and licking sledgehammers in your videos. It is in fact the case that you will obscure your talent by allowing yourself to be pimped, whether its the music business or yourself doing the pimping.
Nothing but harm will come in the long run, from allowing yourself to be exploited, and it is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent.
I am happy to hear I am somewhat of a role model for you and I hope that because of that you will pay close attention to what I am telling you.
The music business doesn’t give a shit about you, or any of us. They will prostitute you for all you are worth, and cleverly make you think its what YOU wanted.. and when you end up in rehab as a result of being prostituted, ‘they’ will be sunning themselves on their yachts in Antigua, which they bought by selling your body and you will find yourself very alone.
None of the men oggling you give a shit about you either, do not be fooled. Many’s the woman mistook lust for love. If they want you sexually that doesn’t mean they give a fuck about you. All the more true when you unwittingly give the impression you don’t give much of a fuck about yourself. And when you employ people who give the impression they don’t give much of a fuck about you either. No one who cares about you could support your being pimped… and that includes you yourself.
Yes, I’m suggesting you don’t care for yourself. That has to change. You ought be protected as a precious young lady by anyone in your employ and anyone around you, including you. This is a dangerous world. We don’t encourage our daughters to walk around naked in it because it makes them prey for animals and less than animals, a distressing majority of whom work in the music industry and it’s associated media.
You are worth more than your body or your sexual appeal. The world of showbiz doesn’t see things that way, they like things to be seen the other way, whether they are magazines who want you on their cover, or whatever… Don’t be under any illusions… ALL of them want you because they’re making money off your youth and your beauty… which they could not do except for the fact your youth makes you blind to the evils of show business. If you have an innocent heart you can’t recognise those who do not.
I repeat, you have enough talent that you don’t need to let the music business make a prostitute of you. You shouldn’t let them make a fool of you either. Don’t think for a moment that any of them give a flying fuck about you. They’re there for the money… we’re there for the music. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. The sooner a young lady gets to know that, the sooner she can be REALLY in control.
You also said in Rolling Stone that your look is based on mine. The look I chose, I chose on purpose at a time when my record company were encouraging me to do what you have done. I felt I would rather be judged on my talent and not my looks. I am happy that I made that choice, not least because I do not find myself on the proverbial rag heap now that I am almost 47 yrs of age… which unfortunately many female artists who have based their image around their sexuality, end up on when they reach middle age.
Real empowerment of yourself as a woman would be to in future refuse to exploit your body or your sexuality in order for men to make money from you. I needn’t even ask the question… I’ve been in the business long enough to know that men are making more money than you are from you getting naked. Its really not at all cool. And its sending dangerous signals to other young women. Please in future say no when you are asked to prostitute yourself. Your body is for you and your boyfriend. It isn’t for every spunk-spewing dirtbag on the net, or every greedy record company executive to buy his mistresses diamonds with.
As for the shedding of the Hannah Montana image… whoever is telling you getting naked is the way to do that does absolutely NOT respect your talent, or you as a young lady. Your records are good enough for you not to need any shedding of Hannah Montana. She’s waaaaaaay gone by now … Not because you got naked but because you make great records.
Whether we like it or not, us females in the industry are role models and as such we have to be extremely careful what messages we send to other women. The message you keep sending is that its somehow cool to be prostituted… its so not cool Miley… its dangerous. Women are to be valued for so much more than their sexuality. we aren’t merely objects of desire. I would be encouraging you to send healthier messages to your peers… that they and you are worth more than what is currently going on in your career. Kindly fire any motherfucker who hasn’t expressed alarm, because they don’t care about you.
Miley Cyrus has invited Sinead O'Connor to meet up and chat after the Irish singer accused the Wrecking Ball star of pimping herself out.
Sinead, 46, had written two open letters to warn Miley that record company executives are skewing her morals and that she is being prostituted.
Now the 20-year-old twerk queen has responded on Twitter, saying: "Sinead. I don’t have time to write you an open letter cause I'm hosting & performing on SNL this week.
"So if you'd like to meet up and talk lemme know in your next letter. :)"

Sinead had written her first letter after Miley said her near naked Wrecking Ball video was inspired by Sinead’s Nothing Compares 2 U hit.
Sinead. I don't have time to write you an open letter cause Im hosting & performing on SNL this week.
— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) October 3, 2013
So if youd like to meet up and talk lemme know in your next letter. :)
— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) October 3, 2013

Hace casi 25 años, la canción Nothing Compares 2 U sonaba en todas partes. La irlandesa Sinéad O’Connor (Dublín, 1966) alcanzó entonces reconocimiento mundial por su espléndida voz y sus dotes como compositora, y luego se mantuvo en el candelero a base de extravagancias y actos de rebeldía sobre el escenario -recordemos su famosa actuación de 1992 en el Saturday Night Live, donde rompió una foto de Juan Pablo II mientras cantaba la palabra “evil” (el mal) como protesta por los casos de abusos a menores en la Iglesia Católica-.
No era rebeldía, sino frustración, asegura hoy, lo que la empujaba a hacer lo que sentía en cada momento. Pero atrás quedó el dolor, la desesperación, la amargura. Hoy es toda paz, serenidad y alegría, se siente mejor que nunca y mantiene una fe desbordante en lo humano y lo divino.
P.- Ha tenido una turbulenta relación con la religión y la fe. ¿Cómo es ahora esa relación y su actitud hacia la vida?
R.- Mi relación con la religión es buena. Dios está en todas partes. Creo en Dios y me siento mejor que nunca.

Sinead O’Connor – Nothing compares to you (Nada es comparable a ti)
Preciosa balada, sin duda. Grandiosamente interpretado por la increíble paleta de colores de la voz de Sinead O’Connor, este tema escrito por el polifacético artista norteamericano Prince llegó al número uno en medio mundo allá por 1989.
Vendió millones de copias y recibió varios discos de platino, además de sumar cuatro nominaciones a los Grammy, ganando el de mejor álbum de música alternativa. Sin embargo, Sinead se negó a aceptar el premio argumentando que le fue concedido por su éxito material. «Los Grammy se dan al disco que más ha vendido, pero no al mejor artísticamente hablando. No me interesan. No quiero tomar parte en nada que anime a la gente a creer que el éxito material es importante, especialmente si eso representa que te has de sacrificar personalmente para obtenerlo», dijo.
‘Nothing compares to you’ sacó del anonimato y catapultó a la pasional cantante irlandesa hasta la élite de las intérpretes melódicas de su generación. No ocurrió lo mismo a mediados de los ochenta con el grupo funk The Family, el personal de Prince. La grabaron sin conseguir ninguna repercusión. No obstante, el éxito de la irlandesa fue de tal tamaño que hasta la propia estrella estadounidense la recuperó para sus conciertos. Su composición estaba dedicada a la actriz Susannah Melvoin.
Con una lágrima en la mejilla, Sinead nos dijo que nada es comparable a ti. A ti que te has ido, a ti que no vas a volver, a pesar de que ella lo deseaba como nada en su vida aunque era consciente de que las segundas partes nunca han sido buenas. Nada cambia. Si la primera vez fracasó el amor, , la segunda no reverdecerá. La empatía que no triunfó al principio, no lo hace al final.
Dicen que esta canción tenía destinatario: quien fuera la expareja y manager de la artista, Fachtna O’Kelly, posteriormente colaborador de Enya. La voz absolutamente mágica de la irlandesa derrama tristeza en todas las estrofas, dotándolas de un realismo tan especial como desgarrador. Su versión es sobrecogedora gracias a estar dotada de un aire más nostálgico proporcionado por el arreglo musical.
El vídeo promocional no baja ningún escalón de calidad con respecto a ‘Notihing compares to you ‘. Consistía básicamente en un plano de acercamiento a su rostro, por el cual al final rodaban un par de lágrimas mientras cantaba ‘Todas las flores que plantaste, mamá, murieron cuando te fuiste’, en referencia a la compleja relación que había tenido con su madre, muerta en un accidente de tráfico.
Han pasado siete horas y quince días
desde que te llevaste tu amor
Salgo todas las noches y duermo todo el día
desde que te llevaste tu amor
Desde que te fuiste puedo hacer lo que quiera
Puedo ver a quien yo elija.
Puedo cenar en un restaurante caro
Pero nada,
dije nada, puede quitar esta tristeza
Porque nada se compara,
nada se compara a ti
Ha sido tan solitario sin ti aquí,
como un pájaro sin una canción
Nada puede detener estas lágrimas solitarias que caen
Dime, cariño, ¿en qué me equivoqué?
Podría abrazar a todos los chicos que veo,
pero sólo me recordarían a ti.
Fui al médico, ¿adivina que me dijo?,
¿adivina que me dijo?
Dijo, querida, deberías divertirte,
no importa lo que hagas,
pero él es un tonto
Porque nada se compara,
nada se compara a ti
Todas las flores que plantaste, amor,
en el jardín,
todas murieron cuando te fuiste
Sé que vivir contigo, cariño, a veces fue difícil
Pero estoy dispuesta a intentarlo una vez más
Porque nada se compara,
nada se compara a ti.
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