Máquinas que anhelan sentir.
Ese es el resumen que nos deja Äkta Människor, una serie sueca que no debéis perder de vista, por su temática,
su desarrollo y el conflicto humano hacia algo nuevo, desconocido y amenazante.
Nadie va a descubrir que el norte de Europa se está convirtiendo en una potencia importantísima a la hora de no solo crear series, sino también de importarlas. Suecia con sólo 10 millones de habitantes es capaz de crear una historia de ciencia ficción alternativa, sin grandes efectos especiales, enormes giros de guión ni pirotecnia efectivista.

Real Humans (como es conocida
internacionalmente) nos adentra en un universo paralelo donde los hubots, unos
androides construidos a imagen y semejanza de los humanos, se han convertido en
enfermeros particulares, amas de casa, trabajadores de carga, juguetes sexuales
y un largo etcétera a cada cual más bizarro.
El punto de partida eclosiona en ese punto, con una sociedad que empieza a preguntarse si el uso de los hubots es coherente, si deben ser considerados esclavos y si es posible que puedan llegar a sentir emociones.
Con diez capítulos de una hora, Äkta Människor se atreve a contar varias historias que se interconectan en un final, un poco predecible, pero que no debe evitar que la visionéis, sobre todo por su puesta apunto y por los aspectos que se tratan desde un punto de vista franco, menos artificioso que el americano al que estamos más acostumbrados. Desde la homosexualidad, pasando por nuevas formas de sexo, esclavitud, derechos de las máquinas, soledad, crisis familiares y sobretodo la búsqueda de una identidad, esta producción se construye sin complejos ni cortapisas.
A ratos inquietante y lúgubre y otros colorida e incluso con toques de humor (hay una pareja de hubots enamorados en la que él se llama Gordon y ella Flash) Real Human es refrescante porque no se asocia claramente con nada ni nadie, puede llegar a tener ecos de Battlestar Galactica por su premisa, pero nada más allá. La serie da lo que promete, y es perfectamente abordable y fácil de seguir aunque su premisa pueda ser confusa.

La serie se emitió en el canal sueco SVT1 y ya ha sido vendida a 50 países. Entre otros, la serie ya se ha podido ver en Francia, a través del canal franco-germano ARTE, en el que ha tenido un gran éxito de audiencia. Para la promoción de la serie, la cadena ha creado una web simulando la página del hubot market, en el que se pueden comprar o alquilar los diferentes modelos de hubots, así como complementos o ropa para ellos. También han creado un perfil de Twitter de uno de los personajes de la serie, Jonnas Borberg, que trabaja como vendedor en la tienda de hubots, así como una página en Tumblr en la que van colgando todo tipo de imágenes de robots, reales y ficticios. La web del hubot market realmente merece la pena, principalmente por el humor con el que está contado todo, como las frases promocionales de algunos de los modelos de hubot estilo “Move your bot”, para el hubot deportista o “Life is botiful”, para el hubot playboy.
The first season followed a group of people whose lives were
dramatically changed by the new generation of robots – hubots. Many
existential questions arose about what happens in our lives and
relationships when robots become so human that they can barely be
distinguished from actual human beings.
In season two, some time has passed since the end of the first season. It is the continuation of a story of a world in transition. A world where the boundaries between human and machine are being erased and at the same time intensified. A virulent virus is spreading like a pandemic, making infected hubots uncontrollable and dangerous. The general public is advised to have their hubot units tested and not to download programs or updates from unsafe sources on the net. This is a threat that will have dire consequences for our main characters.
Many of the main characters and actors from the first season will be returning, but we will also see many new faces.

Mimi (Lisette Pagler) has become a welcome member of the Engman family, but she struggles with her identity. What is she? Does she belong among hubots or humans? Reality encroaches on the Engmans’ lives when Inger (Pia Halvorsen) is drawn into a complex legal case which might lead to hubots gaining equal human rights in the eyes of the law.
Flash (Josephine Alhanko), or Florentine, as she now calls herself, makes her dreams come true, finding a home and a man when she meets Douglas (Alexander Karim), who falls for her beauty and cool charm. Douglas is the son of wealthy Claes Janerus (Lars-Erik Berenett), the founder and owner of the law firm where Inger works.
Bea (Marie Robertson) is searching desperately for David’s lost code – the code that can liberate all hubots. She is bound and determined to free her kind from the tyranny of humanity. Jonas (Måns Nathanaelson) is also searching for the code, but for a completely different reason. Disabled and disfigured, he dreams of re-creating himself as a clone – a free and beautiful hubot. To finance his project, he opens ‘Hubbattle Land’, a kind of amusement park where people can pay to viciously hunt down hubots. With no other job opportunities in sight, Roger (Leif Andrée) finds himself working here, running the macabre business alongside Odi (Alexander Stocks).

Public resistance to hubot integration is growing ever stronger. Roger’s son Kevin (Fredrik Silbersky) becomes involved in the Real Humans youth association, a militant, but also politically well organised group with the ultimate goal of eradicating hubots.
The series was created by writer Lars Lundström and director Harald Hamrell, who is currently directing episodes 1–4 of season two. Episodes 5–7 are being directed by Kristina Humle. As before, Lundström is writing the scripts, this time in collaboration with Alex Haridi.
Other names in the cast include Johan Paulsen, Anki Larsson, Peter Viitanen, Happy Jankell, Nanna Blondell, Shebly Niavarani, Sten Elfström, Kjell Wilhelmsen, Natalie Minnevik, Louise Peterhoff, Thomas W. Gabrielsson, André Sjöberg and Ellen Mattsson Jelinek.
The series also became an international hit when Kudos Film & Television and Shine International bought the remake rights and the rights to distribute the series internationally. As of this date the series has been sold for distribution in almost 50 countries including Great Britain, Australia and Latin America. German and French television begin airing in April.
Real Humans is a co-production between SVT and Matador Film. Shooting will continue until August and ten new episodes will air on SVT1 in autumn 2013.
In season two, some time has passed since the end of the first season. It is the continuation of a story of a world in transition. A world where the boundaries between human and machine are being erased and at the same time intensified. A virulent virus is spreading like a pandemic, making infected hubots uncontrollable and dangerous. The general public is advised to have their hubot units tested and not to download programs or updates from unsafe sources on the net. This is a threat that will have dire consequences for our main characters.
Many of the main characters and actors from the first season will be returning, but we will also see many new faces.
Mimi (Lisette Pagler) has become a welcome member of the Engman family, but she struggles with her identity. What is she? Does she belong among hubots or humans? Reality encroaches on the Engmans’ lives when Inger (Pia Halvorsen) is drawn into a complex legal case which might lead to hubots gaining equal human rights in the eyes of the law.
Flash (Josephine Alhanko), or Florentine, as she now calls herself, makes her dreams come true, finding a home and a man when she meets Douglas (Alexander Karim), who falls for her beauty and cool charm. Douglas is the son of wealthy Claes Janerus (Lars-Erik Berenett), the founder and owner of the law firm where Inger works.
Bea (Marie Robertson) is searching desperately for David’s lost code – the code that can liberate all hubots. She is bound and determined to free her kind from the tyranny of humanity. Jonas (Måns Nathanaelson) is also searching for the code, but for a completely different reason. Disabled and disfigured, he dreams of re-creating himself as a clone – a free and beautiful hubot. To finance his project, he opens ‘Hubbattle Land’, a kind of amusement park where people can pay to viciously hunt down hubots. With no other job opportunities in sight, Roger (Leif Andrée) finds himself working here, running the macabre business alongside Odi (Alexander Stocks).
Public resistance to hubot integration is growing ever stronger. Roger’s son Kevin (Fredrik Silbersky) becomes involved in the Real Humans youth association, a militant, but also politically well organised group with the ultimate goal of eradicating hubots.
The series was created by writer Lars Lundström and director Harald Hamrell, who is currently directing episodes 1–4 of season two. Episodes 5–7 are being directed by Kristina Humle. As before, Lundström is writing the scripts, this time in collaboration with Alex Haridi.

Other names in the cast include Johan Paulsen, Anki Larsson, Peter Viitanen, Happy Jankell, Nanna Blondell, Shebly Niavarani, Sten Elfström, Kjell Wilhelmsen, Natalie Minnevik, Louise Peterhoff, Thomas W. Gabrielsson, André Sjöberg and Ellen Mattsson Jelinek.
The series also became an international hit when Kudos Film & Television and Shine International bought the remake rights and the rights to distribute the series internationally. As of this date the series has been sold for distribution in almost 50 countries including Great Britain, Australia and Latin America. German and French television begin airing in April.
Real Humans is a co-production between SVT and Matador Film. Shooting will continue until August and ten new episodes will air on SVT1 in autumn 2013.
Series 1 (2012)
№ | Title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date | A.U. air date | A.U. viewers |
1 | "Break In, Break Loose" | Harald Hamrell | Lars Lundström | 22 January 2012 | 1 December 2012 | |
2 | "Trust No One" | Harald Hamrell | Lars Lundström | 22 January 2012 | 8 December 2012 | |
3 | "The Lord Shall Be Our Companion" | Harald Hamrell | Lars Lundström | 29 January 2012 | 15 December 2012 | |
4 | "Semi-Human Rights" | Harald Hamrell | Lars Lundström | 5 February 2012 | 22 December 2012 | |
5 | "Power at Heart" | Levan Akin | Lars Lundström | 12 February 2012 | 29 December 2012 | |
6 | "Sly Leo" | Levan Akin | Lars Lundström | 19 February 2012 | 5 January 2013 | |
7 | "Blind Love" | Levan Akin | Lars Lundström | 26 February 2012 | 12 January 2013 | |
8 | "Make Haste" | Levan Akin | Lars Lundström | 4 March 2012 | 19 January 2013 | |
9 | "Heritage" | Harald Hamrell | Lars Lundström | 11 March 2012 | 26 January 2013 | |
10 | "The Code" | Harald Hamrell | Lars Lundström | 18 March 2012 | 2 February 2013 |
Series 2 (2013)
A second series has been commissioned and the first episode will air on December 1, 2013, on SVT1.

A pesar de que en la historia hay actores que no son tan conocidos, pienso que hacen una gran participación en Real Humans la serie sueca de ciencia ficción . Sin duda hicieron un buen equipo al trabajar.